Friday, April 3, 2015

Teaching Reiki to Children

Truly, it's simple to teach children how to love themselves, each other and nature. For they are the essence of love that WE can emulate. Their zest and imagination, excitement and joy, wonder and amazement are contagious. In this video, you will see a my son Aspen playing the game "Reiki-ing(wuv wuv wuv)Trees."

Thursday, April 2, 2015



As adults, we are constantly searching for ways to reduce our stress levels & find balance in our lives. We are spending a lot of time, energy and money on healing our relationships and bodies. Most of my clients complain about being overwhelmed, financially stressed out and have physical issues which are mainly stress induced. 
What if at a young age you were taught simple tools to:
calm yourself down
breath deep to find relaxation
be present with you emotions
use your hands for healing yourself?  
How do you think that would have effected your life now?
Maybe more balance. Maybe less stress. Maybe a better relationship with yourself and others.
MORE JOY!!!!! 

This is why I teach Reiki to kids. Reiki gives children a positive response to stress. They feel empowered to handle challenges that will arise. They are taught tools for self healing. All of these tools create self esteem and self love.
If you are ready to share reiki with your children or know a family who may be interested, please Contact me to register for my Upcoming Reiki 1 Class for Children April 25.